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Countries USA / The Shawshank Redemption is a movie starring Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, and Bob Gunton. Two imprisoned men bond over a number of years, finding solace and eventual redemption through acts of common decency / Audience Score 2230243 Votes / Average rating 9,3 / 10 / / writed by Frank Darabont





That guard is Mr. Krabs and Lex Luthor. Clancy Brown is awesome. The only criticism for this video is the extremely annoying commentator. ??. You remember the name of the town in Mexico right. CRAP. ????????????????????????. Dont forget the brilliant score by Thomas Newman. My favorite film composer of all time for one of my favorite films of all time. This score, and his other work, seems to capture the mood of the action perfectly. A true genius.

"Sometimes I feel sad that Andy is gone. I have to me remember that some birds are not born to cage. its feathers others shine. And when they run away, the part of you that I knew arrest them is a sin, is happy. Yet the place where we live It is more empty and lifeless without them. I think I miss my friend"
I"m still wondering how it took me so long to watch this ingenious piece, but okay. Starting with the life lesson about "Freedom" that was passed:
In the film we have so much to learn about it, we can see that when our freedom is cut unjustly we do not know what to do and everything points in just lowered his head and move on. But no was what Andy did, he had hope but also worked hard to (say around 20 years digging a tunnel? My God, there is perseverance. All this with patience and wisdom (The guy is f. And even with all the difficulties, even with all the obstacles of the Director of guards of the rows, and still getting two months in solitary confinement, the guy does not give up.
What about hope: Even though every reason in the world to give up, he He did not give up, even when Red said "Hope can leave a madman "and he replies: Hope is a good thing, maybe the Best of all, and nothing that is good must die "And even there that hole, he made a difference with their peaceful way, intelligent and both strong and then continued on.
On how not learn is in the society:
What happened is that the guys were both arrested time already had become accustomed to that reality, for them, it was to be free be trapped inside, the concept of freedom for them changed fully as they surrendered to it and had their freedoms cut, no longer knew what it used to be free and to enjoy to life again. We can see the example of Brooks, there even being arrested, he felt free, he was someone there and built his character there, but unfortunately ended up settling in a lifetime caged and to be returned to their free life, I did not know what to do and He ended up committing suicide. Fortunately it was not what happened with Andy, he He insisted so. Red ended up bending a little, but in the end with the help of his friend, entirely given your life back.
This film is a great lesson. It is something to be taken to heart and take as an example for life. Everything about him, the construction of the script, develop the story, the flawless performances, was something millimeter worked, and think, worked very well. The characters are extremely catchy, since its characteristics to his dialogs, which are very rich, very intelligent and were used an excellent narrative. This movie made me have a roller coaster of emotions, from ups and downs, to laugh, to cry but also be moved. Anyway, all I can say is Andy and Red did give me a wide grin that lasted one hour and after the movie and I went to sleep happy. 5-star favorite, great masterpiece lives up to all excellent reviews and the excellent grades he deserves.
Me at my first day of sleepaway camp though.
Little known fact: Morgan Freeman drinks a pint of water every day.
One of my all time favourite films. I cant imagine a better casting choice.
I like. the friends theme bit.

Fantastic Movie! Big Natalie Portman fan. Ms. Portman is a very Talented and Sexy Actress. The film does not need in a rewiew. This film is a legend in the cinematography. Walmart. In this fantastic movie people who was innocent figure out himself to be free people who can"t afford to live without friends and strong enough to be fixed with man who tried to get back his only word for this movie was isoners were need to get help from us survive in the wild world you have to Freeman has excellent or was the best of times over the ever it was deserved to win people who made this movie were be will make your mind to think about life and people who are fighting for their thanks for letting me to be watched this for us to take the time of feeling.

That scene of Tim raising his arms to the the emotional release for the need that, by the time that scene rolled around. This movie is one of the American greats of cinematic history. Cuts out the death of Saruman but we got time for one more flying shot of the beacons. 1:49 - 1:59 best part. Take a good look on Morgan Freeman"s facial expression and the way he fidgets just after he enters the room. Brilliantly well done. What an actor.



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